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Cinamaker with the Stars at Playlist Live D.C. 2017

Cinamaker can confirm: Playlist Live 2017 was “the best one yet.”

Maybe we’re biased, but this year’s Washington, D.C. event seemed too good to be true. Three days of nonstop appearances by the web’s most popular and prolific creators was exhausting, but totally worth it. Starstruck, albeit swamped, Cinamaker was lucky enough to sponsor this inspiring event and even luckier to meet some of the sweetest, silliest internet celebs and show them our stuff!

Cinamaker can confirm: Playlist Live 2017 was “the best one yet.”

Maybe we’re biased, but this year’s Washington, D.C. event seemed too good to be true. Three days of nonstop appearances by the web’s most popular and prolific creators was exhausting, but totally worth it. Starstruck, albeit swamped, Cinamaker was lucky enough to sponsor this inspiring event and even luckier to meet some of the sweetest, silliest internet celebs and show them our stuff!

Playlist Live is an event that truly embodies the democratization and diverse representation that’s been made possible by broadcasting platforms and video and photo sharing networks like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and more. The creators and fans who convene at this mecca of modern community come from all over and represent every possible niche interest, craft, and cause.

We met everyone from musicians to magicians and tons of talented folks in between.  We had great conversations with community voices like Justin Gerhard and laughed till our sides hurt with Spandy Andy and his adorable dog, Ben. Catch us kicking back with “Dang” Matt Smith, Julian Fulian, Evan Lucas, Brandon Bowen, Gabe Erwin, and Matt Tavenner in our pic above!

(We even met that girl from the “overly-attached girlfriend memes.” Yeah, her.)


For Cinamaker, Playlist Live is a HUGE deal. As a company striving to create faster, easier, higher quality video production technology, the creators and fans at Playlist Live are just the people we want to meet. Our work is for them and we need their invaluable opinions and critiques to make our mobile-native, multi-camera tablet and smartphone studio as user friendly and functional as possible.

With our free Director Pad and Cinamaker Capture apps, anyone with a tablet and smartphone can sync up their devices to film and live-stream from multiple angles with real-time screen switching, adjusting, and editing using our newsroom-style graphics engine and audio mixing.

We had a blast letting creators demo our mobile studio and interviewing them about their creative process and passions. Check some of them out on our YouTube channel!

At the end of the day(s), we made some really cool friends and, of course, some really cool videos with our Cinamaker studio. It was well worth the eight plus hours of setup and those late night VIP parties (such a chore) to share Cinamaker with Playlist Live D.C. 2017.

We hope to see more Cinamaker-made productions soon and look forward to seeing more fans and creators in Orlando this Spring to make Playlist Live 2018 even better!


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Live Video Vs. Professionally Edited: Which Is Better For Your Branding Goals?

Using videos will build and strengthen your branding goals. Unfortunately, poorly made videos will do more harm than good. Why? Poorly executed videos raise consumer questions about your commitment, professionalism, and quality. So, branding with videos has become a significant marketing tool, but you’d better do it right. Which is better for your branding goals: Live video shot at will on the spot or a professionally edited product that offers high-level benefits and inverse effects? In many ways, it really depends on your brand and the type of video you aim to produce.

Continue reading “Live Video Vs. Professionally Edited: Which Is Better For Your Branding Goals?”


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4 Best Lighting Strategies For Multi-Camera Production

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz didn’t invent multi-camera TV production. But, when they formed Desilu to create the classic TV show I Love Lucy, they saw its incredible potential. Needless to say, there was no looking back!

The Los Angeles Times quoted Bart Andrews, author of The I Love Lucy Book, as saying that Desilu staffed its studio production with quality innovators: Associate producer Al Simon and cinematographer Karl Freund.

The same article quotes Simon as saying, “If you used three or four cameras, all running continuously, you were using up a tremendous amount of film… We developed a Multicam system where the soundtrack ran continuously. Cameras could be switched on and off at will, and the film from each camera could still be keyed to the soundtrack. That brought the cost way down.” It also increased viewer engagement. There’s still a lot to learn from those early days.

From The Audience’s Point Of View

Because of its universal success, you should look at I Love Lucy as the model. After all, since the trend-setting sit-com left the airwaves, the best and most memorable situation comedies have been performed before multiple cameras and a live audience.

The earliest episodes all took place in Lucy and Ricky’s living room from which you could see the kitchen. They eventually included a bedroom and a living room for the Mertzes. Of course, scenes at Ricky’s nightclub, on a cruise ship, in the chocolate factory and so on called for additional sets, production setup, costumes, actors and subsequent costs.

The audience witnessed the work of a great comic actress, good writing, and stories they were just ready to believe. With that said, it may have been the strikingly new format that pulled them in. According to Jon Krampner in the Los Angeles Times, multi-camera formats had been used before in Truth or Consequences. However, Desilu saw the potential in creating a permanent saleable product that would multiply their investment through syndication and residuals.

How Does It Work And What Are The Four Best Lighting Strategies?

Using more than one camera lets producers record different angles at the same time. Since the cameras are working independently but simultaneously, they can shoot scenes quickly. But, the setup requires meticulous planning and lighting arrangements to keep continuity between the shoots and camera matches.

1. Drama

Lighting isn’t just a matter of plugging in a lamp. Even continuity isn’t the whole issue. Lighting must play a role in the narrative, presentation, mood and so on. For instance, you don’t shoot mysteries or eerie stories in bright light as dark scenery and shadows could easily add to the perception.

As the director and producer work out a storyboard on the shoot, they must agree on the lighting effects. They consider angles, relationship to actors, placement of shadows and more. Managing continuity becomes more than just connecting scenes on tape; they must continue in the same light.

2. Location

Lighting may be the primary reason they built studios. Filming outdoors with available light was very difficult to manage when movement of sun and clouds would control the product. Shooting indoors made that much easier.

But, shooting indoors also limited the kinds of stories that could be filmed. As audiences became more sophisticated, they demanded more realistic production values. Fortunately, cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment kept pace with the demand. So, the same studio can produce brightly lit comedies or musicals and moody gray dramas like Manchester by the Sea or Moonlight in which lighting becomes a character in the films.

However, if you want to film something less ambitious, you still should consider the role of lighting in the script. For example, short videos that show a product in action prove very successful. To display the product at its best, you must plan the lighting from every angle. If you use natural lighting outdoors, you must know enough about lighting to mute glaring and baffles to even it out and keep it consistent.

3. Time

Yaro Starak of said he gets the best video lighting from a $20 lamp he bought at Ikea. He found that it created a muted quality that was washed out by more powerful professional studio lights.

But, time can cost more than equipment. With multiple cameras setup, you can shoot quickly because once started, there’s no need to relight the set or camera angles. You set the lighting from the start and leave it. Then, with these recordings from several angles, you can save editing time because there shouldn’t be any aesthetic continuity issues.

You must script the time. No video should simply run itself out. It should have a specific beginning and end. In television, that means building segments to run their course during fixed blocks of time. In a video for the Internet, you want brevity. The most engaging video only holds attention for a few minutes. So, you do better to save time and money by breaking your video lesson or pitch into munchable units. In doing that, you must protect the continuity of lighting over the course of all of your segments.

4. Position

Cameras have their place in a multi-camera production. And, their position determines the necessary lighting. The camera – not the director’s eye – determines the lighting required. Just because things look good to the human eye that doesn’t mean it’ll look proper in the recording. Why? The human eye doesn’t see what the camera shows.

Dr. Robert G. Nulph, speaking for Videomaker, explains, “In any setup where you have three cameras focusing on two or more individuals, you will probably place the cameras to the right, left and center of the talent. Starting with the right camera set up your three-point lighting so that the key or main light is just to the left of the camera and about forty-five degrees above the talent. Focus on the talent that is facing the camera in the conversation or interview you are videotaping.”

He also points out in filming scenes on sets, such as a living room, you should light for the camera, but around the natural light of a reading lamp or chandelier that appears in the scene.

These four lighting strategies are broad considerations behind effective video production. Clearly, it’s more complicated and demanding than most people likely believe. Amateurs can do it, and many of them can do it well. But, to truly be successful, you need to plan and take strategic approaches to production.


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How To Stage A Multi-Camera Shoot For Streaming Video

It’s easy to fall into the all-too comfortable trap of thinking that live streaming is virtually effortless. After all, it’s live, so you don’t edit the results or worry about splicing the footage together.

However, there’s a lot that goes into the setup of a live stream, especially if you’re planning to have multiple cameras involved. Knowing what could happen – along with knowing what to do and what to avoid – could be the difference between a well-organized production and a stream that no one looks at twice.

What You Need

The first step is to gather your materials. If you are new to recording in general, this may seem like a lot of information all at once. To help you get started, this list includes explanations and suggestions for equipment instead of leaving you to guess.

  • Cameras and Crew: Needless to say, these are the most basic components you’ll need to get started. You can use smartphones, action cameras, DSLRs or professional video cameras. The quality of the camera is up to you. Of course, a crew is also vital, as you can’t control every camera all at the same time. A few helping hands goes a long way.
  • Switcher and Graphics Generator: The switcher and graphics generator is important, as it’s the device that allows you to switch quickly between camera feeds and overlay newsroom style graphics. There are several options ranging from the powerful and simple to use Cinamaker app to other solutions on desktop or laptop computers such as Telestream Wirecast or you can purchase dedicated video switcher hardware from vendors such as Pansonic, Roland and other professional video providers.
  • Video Monitors: These are rather simple – you use them to watch what you’re streaming. A single monitor can work with a little effort, but it’s generally suggested to have two. One to view your multiple cameras (Program) and one for your final (Preview) output.
  • Recording Device/Cloud: This is to help record your final product so that you have this footage after the stream ends. Most professionals try to use a high-quality device for this, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, depending on where you live stream your event, you may not need anything more than your tablet or computer and the use live-streaming tools such as Cinamaker. Alternately, you can send your output to live-streaming solutions such as YouTube Live and Facebook Live for automatic recording.

Before The Shoot

There are generally three stages to a shoot: Before, during and after. It’s very important that you know what to expect during each stage.

Usually, you’ll want to start actually setting up your equipment a minimum of three hours before the event. You’ll need to be ready to get your crew together and set your cameras up. The most basic shoots use two cameras – a close up on the event and a wide shot in the case of something like a concert. More complex shoots can use eight or more cameras. It’s also vital to take this time to test:

  • Internet connections
  • Camera connections
  • Camera shot and white balances
  • Consistent resolution and frame rate settings
  • Switcher signal
  • Audio and graphics signals from all devices
  • Audio and video synchronization

One or more of these will most likely need adjustment. Don’t worry. It’s normal and the key reason why you should test everything before the shoot. Adjustments can easily be made before your live stream, but fixing issues after everything has started is much more difficult and could result in a poor overall presentation.

During And After The Shoot

Once you start filming, everything takes off pretty quickly. If you’re the director, you need to be ready to choose between shots and make decisions at a moment’s notice, so be prepared for that. If you aren’t the director, be ready to listen and follow directions. There’s a lot going on, so everyone should be ready to focus on the task at hand and make on-the-fly adjustments as necessary.

With live streaming, your recording gets uploaded as it happens, so there isn’t any need for editing or uploading after the fact. However, you do need to clean up the space you were using. This needs to be done carefully, to protect your equipment to ensure that it’s all well maintained and ready for your next production.


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Cinamaker Demos Disruptive Mobile Live Video Production Technology @NAB Show in Las Vegas Booth SU12102CM

Cinamaker will demonstrate its new live video streaming technology that allows anyone to quickly and easily set up their own live multi-camera TV show and broadcast it to audiences worldwide.

Come see us at NAB Convention Las Vegas Booth SU12102CM

Cinamaker is the only mobile-native professional grade solution for multi-camera HD live streaming and recording. Cinamaker offers the lowest cost of entry for multi-camera HD live streaming and recording. We also offer the easiest setup and operation of any multi-camera solution. We enable super-fast video production workflows by integrating tablet computers, smartphones and cameras over a wireless network.

Cinamaker empowers those with something to say or something to sing about to help change the world. Cinamaker is a revolutionary way to create and share their messages using only a tablet computer as the production center, and streaming video from smartphones and compatible video cameras.

“Cinamaker makes live multi-camera production easy,” says Benjamin Nowak, founder of Cinamaker. “We have created a highly affordable, easy to transport, set-up and operate, next generation, video creation platform.”

The Cinamaker Director Pad App consolidates streaming video from up to four different smartphone cameras or compatible video cameras and four additional audio sources into a single high quality HD video broadcast, complete with a newsroom style graphics engine featuring, picture-in-picture, chroma-key and other advanced capabilities usually found on desktop and dedicated live-streaming systems.

Cinamaker is essentially a mobile video production facility for everyone – you don’t need a degree in TV production to be a broadcaster and share your opinions, music, stories and ideas with people throughout the globe. You are the editor. You are the creator.

The edited video can be recorded and or streamed live to Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope or other video streaming services that use RTMP technology. The raw multi-camera HD footage can also be imported into popular video editing programs like Final Cut, Premiere and Avid.

More info at

PR Contact – Blaiss Nowak –


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